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What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the human ability to be completely aware of your surroundings, your thoughts, and your inner workings. It's our capability to understand ourselves and use that comprehension to live fulfilled lives. 


"Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re directly experiencing via your senses, or to your state of mind via your thoughts and emotions, you’re being mindful." via 


The main purpose of mindfulness is to regulate our emotions. To be in control of our emotional presence as much as we are of our physical body. This ability allows us to focus on our work, reduce stress levels and improve the quality of our life. 

Recent scientific study has shown that mindfulness is linked to improving mental health and making good decisions. 

This practice is all about being present in the moment, to comprehend on a deeper level all our experiences - experts say that this comprehension can lead to a reduction in negative spiralling and intrusive thoughts. 

How to Pratice Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a broad and complex concept. It is a part of many practices across the world like Yoga and Martial Arts. However, in recent years studies have been focused on how to incorporate it into real life. Here are some tips on doing so: 

  • Observe Your Breathing 

Breathing is a natural and continuous occurrence however it is important that we take a few minutes out of every day in order to comprehend this act. Take deep breaths and try to observe the way your body moves and functions during this act. 

  • Walking Meditation 

Going on walks is definitely good physical exercise however you can also use this time to become more aware of your surroundings. While walking, take notice of your feet and arms, the manner in which they move. Try to focus on your body and its movement. 

  • Create an intention 

Every morning, try to come up with an intention for yourself; Something you hope to accomplish. It can be something work-related or it can be personal. The goal is to focus your energy on one thing at a time. 


Our favorite Mindfulness Apps!

Here are a few apps that can help you practice Mindfulness. You can use one or a combination of them. The important part is to find something that works for you. 


  1. Smiling Mind

  2. Calm

  3. My Life - Stop, Breathe & Think

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